Why Sense

Why Sense

Tapping into our Why Sense is intentionally connecting to life with all of our senses – being fully present – vibrantly, purposefully alive. (~9min)
Sacred Spacing

Sacred Spacing

While social distancing is a temporary inconvenience that can have anti-social impacts, sacred spacing is a simple spiritual practice we can engage at any time to enrich connections, elevate communications, and deepen life experience. (~15min)      ...
Let Go, and Let Gratitude Lead!

Let Go, and Let Gratitude Lead!

I invite you to join me in letting go and letting gratitude lead. Let go of overwhelming information, and welcome stress-dissolving inner-formation. Through the SLOW practice. Here’s the link to the recording. Relax, refresh, regenerate! Happy Trails… Walk...
Comfortable Success

Comfortable Success

What if living into your awesome Vision did not require taking the stress-inducing road of “getting out of your comfort zone”, but rather was a stress-relieving journey of expanding it? This audio blog explores the idea that mindfully stretching our...
Fast Let’s You Know … Go SLOW!

Fast Let’s You Know … Go SLOW!

Ever in a rush? Often, perhaps? Ever find that going fast feels stressful, but somehow necessary? Now’s the time to savor SLOW! (~26min) Would you like to (quickly :o) find your way from fast to fabulous flow?   Click here to go SLOW!